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Check and Prepare LC Vertical Long Shaft Pump before Starting

发布时间:2022/7/16 21:47:44 人气: [content:visits]


Check and Prepare LC Vertical Long Shaft Pump before Starting

(1) Check whether the foundation bolt is loose.

(2) Check whether the submergence depth of LC vertical long-axis pump meets the requirements.

(3) Check the packing of LC vertical long-axis pump.

(4) Check the cooling water supply of vertical long-axis pump. The cooling water is clean soft water. The cooling water flow rate of thrust bearing is 0.3-0.5m3/h and the pressure is 0.1-0.2MPa. The flow rate and pressure of cooling water of guide bearing are shown in the attached table.

(5) Ensure that the vertical long-axis pump and motor bearings are lubricated. The pump lubricant number is L-AN32 mechanical oil. The oil level is about 2 mm above and below the center line of the oil level meter. The lubrication of the motor refers to the instructions for the installation and use of the motor.

(6) Before starting, the rotor of the vertical long-axis pump should be rotated smoothly and evenly.

(7) Check the direction of the motor: From the motor end, the vertical long axis pump rotates counter-clockwise.

标签: LC型立式长轴泵,长轴泵,立式长轴泵


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